As A Billionaire, I’m Really Enjoying This Citizens United Election!I love this election so much, I’m going to buy it!Oct 28, 202415Oct 28, 202415
My Campaign Against The Mainstream Media Has Nothing to Do With The Multiple Sexual Assault…I really do believe in the globalist masterplan, I swear!Sep 19, 202363Sep 19, 202363
A Definitive Guide to the Trump Criminal CasesThe BEST crimes, and so many of them!Aug 2, 202322Aug 2, 202322
Published inThe Belladonna ComedyAcademic Jargon Explains Why I Deserve To Masturbate To A White MermaidI’m the least racist person in this white mermaid fetish chat room!Sep 16, 20227505Sep 16, 20227505
Goebbels Who Said ‘Always Accuse Your Enemies Of Your Own Sins’ And Coincidentally…If you pay close attention to politics, you may suddenly be hearing the word “grooming” a lot. That’s because we’re at an essential…Apr 5, 2022306Apr 5, 2022306
Published inThe Belladonna ComedyI’m Just a Regular Run-Of-The-Mill Adult Screaming At A Child Selling Girl Scout CookiesYour cookies are evil, fattening and funding the Soros cabalMar 29, 2022824Mar 29, 2022824
Published inThe Belladonna ComedyWill Republicans Vote To Confirm The Next Supreme Court Justice? A Flow ChartAmy, Brett, and Neil set the bar so low, we can smell sulfur.Feb 3, 2022449Feb 3, 2022449
The Key to a Successful Summer with Kids? Let Them Be Bored. And Learn Extreme Street FightingAre you cramming your kids’ summer holidays with art camp and swimming lessons and a lifetime membership at the local bouncy castle? You…Jul 30, 20211471Jul 30, 20211471
Published inForgeAn End-of-Decade List for the Rest of UsDon’t tally your accomplishments. Here’s what really matters.Dec 17, 20197321Dec 17, 20197321
Other Unlikely Scandals Involving Elizabeth WarrenMEDIA ALERT: These charges will shock the conscious of the nation.”Oct 3, 2019Oct 3, 2019
My iPhone, My iPhone, My Kingdom for an iPhoneNow is the winter of our discontentSep 30, 2019Sep 30, 2019
Mueller’s Russia Investigation Rabbit Hole or Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon Separation?1. Randy Credico, a comedian and Roger Stone associate credited as Stone’s backchannel to Julian Assange, threatened to reveal details…Dec 6, 2018Dec 6, 2018
Are You a Victim of Presidential Harassment?As ruler over the free world, you have optionsNov 13, 2018Nov 13, 2018
Actual #QAnon Messages Or Things Stephen Miller Said While Tripping On Acid?John Podesta has a collection of cannibal artworkJul 3, 2018Jul 3, 2018
Caligula Staffers Feel Snubbed By Roman Social Scene“I was at the Forum, chatting up this freeborn woman. We’re flirting and checking out the papyrus together, and she’s like, “What do you…Jun 25, 2018Jun 25, 2018