Michael Flynn: Be The Change You Want to See in the World

Devorah Blachor
5 min readFeb 11, 2017


The world doesn’t match your idea of utopia. I understand that better than anyone. We all dream of the way the world should be, and yet it never matches reality. Sure, it’s all the rage now to say, “accept the world as it is” but I don’t think the people who say this are dreaming big enough. When the world doesn’t live up to your ideals, it’s up to you to change the world!

Let me tell you a story. In July, everyone who’d ever read a book thought Islam was a religion. No one ever questioned that assumption and people just took that to be a fact. But like I said, I believe in making dreams into reality. So I wrote my own book. And what I put in that book, was a new idea of my own invention that Islam isn’t a religion after all. Instead, I rebranded “Islam” as a “political ideology” and an “illness”. And you know what? Just by virtue of having dreamt it and sharing that dream with the world, it created a new reality. More and more folks are seeing it my way, and now I’m the National Security Advisor of a very prominent government. And it’s all because I had an idea, put it on my wish board, and insisted it was true over and over and over and over again.

Every morning, I follow a set of rituals. I look in the mirror and I ask myself, “What is important to YOU, Mike? What do you really want?” Then I give the thing I want a name, like “Jessie”. And I say, “Jessie, I am going to love you. I am going to be your champion.” You see what I did there? I became MY OWN CHAMPION. My best friend from eighth grade, Jessie Cook, has nothing to do with that, by the way. It’s just a random name.

I think most folks probably used to know me as the nutjob who tweeted about Pizzagate. Now they might be more familiar with me as the bonehead who illegally discussed sanctions with my buddy comrade Sergey and ignobly resigned from the Trump administration. That’s all true, of course, and I’m grateful that my efforts have been acknowledged. But what they don’t know is that I also designed a new paradigm in which Obama and Killery were waging war on the Catholic Church. I created space for the feeling that Clinton drank bodily fluids as part of a “spirit-cooking ritual”. I even formulated the bold concept of the President of the United States being a traitor who laundered money to Jihadi terrorists. Call me Don Quixote, but no one in their right mind had ever thought of any of those things before, and yet my insistence and stick-to-it-iveness shifted the sands of consciousness towards my mental state. Truly, I channeled my inner goddess.

The law of attraction teaches us that the energy you put out into the universe comes back to you. That is exactly what my life has been about. Now just imagine something like that happening on a geopolitical scale. It’s super exciting, amirite?

Like any American father, I used to take my son fishing. “Son,” I’d tell him, “You can do anything you want to do, as long as you remember three things: Love yourself, love your country, and accuse your enemies of being homosexuals who take cocaine.” There are only two things in this life that make me teary eyed. One: Thinking about my childhood best friend, Jessie Cook, and two: My boy, who surpasses me every day in every way. He is making the change in the world he wants to see and I couldn’t be prouder.

The funny thing is, when I say stuff like, “I have personally seen the signage along those Mexican border paths in Arabic,” people respond with all sorts of crazy statements like, “As the former head of the CIA and the NSA, I wonder if if he isn’t the wrong person to be chosen for such a strategic, global job?” It just goes to show that there are always people who will try to keep you down. Jessie Cook believed in me when I was just a pimply kid in middle school, lost in fantasy. And even though his parents ripped us apart when they moved their family to Providence, I hope you’re out there Jessie, watching all the amazing things I’m doing! Because I’m here to tell you that no one can take away your dreams. And what’s more — no one can stop you from making those dreams a reality! As a great man once said, “Not anymore, Jews. Not anymore.”

Now as I head into the sunset, I leave you with a President who consciously knew about all this batshit crazy and brought it into the White House anyway. And with that comforting thought, I bid you до свидания.

Sources for this lunacy:

